Inglês, perguntado por alana5134, 8 meses atrás

1 - Relacione as colunas para completar as sentenças de acordo com as condições retiradas do texto:
(A) If I go with my friends fi don't come home on time
(B) If I don't come home on time
(C) If I share my homework
(D) If I tell my friends to do their homework alone
(E) If you don't make the right choice
(F) If you make the right choice,

( ) they will have to study.
( ) my friends won't study.
( ) you won't have problems.
( ) you will get into trouble.
( ) my Mom will get mad.
( ) I won't get home early.​

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por Brainlyana11


D, C , F, E, B, A em ordem****

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