Inglês, perguntado por batatinha12354, 5 meses atrás

1- Read what Laura says about a typical working day:

Yesterday was a typical working day for Laura. Write what she did or didn’t do yesterday.

a) She got up at 7 o’clock.

b) She _________________ a big breakfast.

c) She _________________.

d) It_________________ to get to work.

e) _________________ at 8.45.

f) _________________ lunch.

g) _________________ at 5 o’clock.

h) _________________ tired when _________________ home.

i) _________________ a meal yesterday evening.

j) _________________ out yesterday evening.

k) _________________ at 11 o’clock.

l) _________________ well last night.

2- Complete the sentences using the following verbs in the correct form:

buy catch cost fall hurt sell spend teach throw write

a) Mozart wrote more than 600 pieces of music.

b) ‘How did you learn to drive?’ ‘My father __________________me.’

c) We couldn’t aff ord to keep our car, so we__________________ it.

d) Dave __________________down the stairs this morning and __________________his leg.

e) Joe __________________the ball to Sue, who __________________it.

Aluno(a): Nº

Data: Ano: Turma:

Professor (a): Nathalya Elizabeth Disciplina: Língua Inglesa

f) Kate __________________a lot of money yesterday. She __________________a dress which __________________ £100.

3- You ask James about his holiday in the US. Write your questions.

a) YOU: Where did you go ?

JAMES: To the US. We went on a trip from San Francisco to Denver.

b) YOU: How _________________________________? By car?

JAMES: Yes, we hired a car in San Francisco.

c) YOU: It’s a long way to drive. How long _________________________________?

JAMES: Two weeks. We stopped at a lot of places along the way.

d) YOU: Where _________________________________? In hotels?

JAMES: Yes, small hotels or motels.

e) YOU: _________________________________ good?

JAMES: Yes, but it was very hot – sometimes too hot.

f) YOU: _________________________________ the Grand Canyon?

JAMES: Of course. It was wonderful.

4- Complete the sentences. Put the verb into the correct form, positive or negative.

a) It was warm, so I took off my coat. (take)

b) The film wasn’t very good. I didn’t enjoy it much. (enjoy)

c) I knew Sarah was busy, so I _________________________________ her. (disturb)

d) We were very tired, so we _________________________________ the party early. (leave)

e) It was hard carrying the bags. They _________________________________ really heavy. (be)

f) The bed was very uncomfortable. I _________________________________ well. (sleep)

g) This watch wasn’t expensive. It _________________________________ much. (cost)

h) The window was open and a bird _________________________________ into the room. (fly)

i) I was in a hurry, so I _________________________________ time to call you. (have)

j) I didn’t like the hotel. The room _________________________________ very clean. (be)

michaeljk: vc quer saber as respostas e a tradução
michaeljk: ??
batatinha12354: só as respostas

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por karlosbrasil15



Respondido por michaeljk


tá aí uma resposta da primeira mas não achei todas



batatinha12354: Obg!
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