Inglês, perguntado por rbob0688, 4 meses atrás

1. Read the statements below taken from the transcription of the listening section. Then answer the question and read the rule.

"I never get up before eight, which sounds really good, but we don't finish till late." "After class there's usually a short break, 15 minutes when the studio's available [...]" "After the show you sometimes feel exhilarated, but usually I'm just tired." ▪ Do the excerpts above refer to something that happens regularly?

When we want to talk about things that happen regularly, we use the Simple Present. We add -s or -es to the verb when the subject is third person singular (e.g. My energy drops).

When we want to say how frequently something happens, we can use words such as always and never. Other possible words are sometimes, often, usually, among others.

2. Read this quotation:

"What's so special about dance is - everyone is equal, it doesn't matter where you are from or what background you have."

Now, read the following sentence aloud, choosing the right form to complete the rule: do or does.

To make a negative statement in the Simple Present, we use A+not+ verb when the subject is third person singular and use B+ not + verb when the subject is any of the other persons.

The contraction of do + not is don't. The contraction of does + not is doesn't.

3. In your notebook, order the words below according to the frequency they suggest (from the least frequent to the most frequent).

usually sometimes seldom hardly ever never






4. How often do you...? Ask a classmate how often she or he does the activities below. Tell her or him how often you do the activities too.

a) go to the movies

d) wear blue jeans

b) study English

e) play soccer

c) eat typical Brazilian food

f) travel to visit family and friends

5. Work in pairs: each student reads the information from one of the cards (card A below, and card B on the next page). Then do the activities to find out about two athletes who overcame their physical impairments.

a) Ask questions and, in your notebook, complete the missing information about the first part of profiles 1 and 2. Use the information on cards A and B and the prompts below to help you.

Where/from? What type of disability/have?

Where/go to school? What/main style?

How old...?


What/current rank?

b) In your notebook, write down the verb form that best completes the texts. Choose the appropriate form from the options provided in the columns on the right.​

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1. Leia as declarações abaixo retiradas da transcrição da seção de audição. Em seguida, responda à pergunta e leia a regra.

"Eu nunca me levanto antes das oito, o que parece muito bom, mas não terminamos até tarde." "Depois da aula geralmente há um pequeno intervalo de 15 minutos quando o estúdio está disponível [...]" "Depois do show você às vezes se sente animado, mas geralmente fico cansado." ▪ Os trechos acima se referem a algo que acontece regularmente?

Quando queremos falar sobre coisas que acontecem regularmente, usamos o Simple Present. Adicionamos -s ou -es ao verbo quando o sujeito é a terceira pessoa do singular (por exemplo, minha energia diminui).

Quando queremos dizer com que frequência algo acontece, podemos usar palavras como sempre e nunca. Outras palavras possíveis são às vezes, frequentemente, geralmente, entre outras.

2. Leia esta citação:

"O que há de tão especial na dança é - todos são iguais, não importa de onde você é ou que experiência você tem."

Agora, leia a seguinte frase

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