Inglês, perguntado por vimouraem265p4q2ov, 6 meses atrás

1. Qual das questões abaixo completa a frase ao lado? "_________many students at the club play just a few."

There was not

There were not

2. Qual das questões abaixo completa a frase ao lado? "______________some people waiting for you at the door?

Was there

Were there

3. Qual das questões abaixo completa a frase ao lado? "__________old man in the street."

There was

There were

4. Qual das questões abaixo completa a frase ao lado? "I phoned Ana, but _____________anyone at home."

There was not

There were not

5. Selecione "There was ou There were" para completar a frase ao lado; " ___________two mobiles ringing on the table."

There was

There were

6. Selecione "There was ou There were" para completar a frase ao lado. "______________an italian boy in my class last night."

There was not

There were not

7. Qual das frases abaixo a negativa está correta?

There not was two famous artists at the hotel.

There were not famous artists at the hotel.

8. Em qual das frases abaixo a interrogativa está correta?

There were beautiful girls at the club last night?

Were there beautiful girls at the club last night?

9. Passe para a forma afirmativa a frase ao lado. "Was there a black cat on the sofa?

10. Passe para a forma negativa a frase ao lado. "There were red flowers in the vase."

me ajudar urgente por favor ??​

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por CremildaBR

⇒⇒  There was / were - simple past

1. Qual das questões abaixo completa a frase ao lado? "There were not many students at the club play just a few."

There was not

There were not    √

2. Qual das questões abaixo completa a frase ao lado? " Were there some people waiting for you at the door?

Was there

Were there    √

3. Qual das questões abaixo completa a frase ao lado? "There was an old man in the street."

There was    √

There were

4. Qual das questões abaixo completa a frase ao lado? "I phoned Ana, but there was not  anyone at home."

There was not    √

There were not

5. Selecione "There was ou There were" para completar a frase ao lado; " There were two mobiles ringing on the table."

There was

There were    √

6. Selecione "There was ou There were" para completar a frase ao lado. "There was not an Italian boy in my class last night."

There was not    √

There were not

7. Qual das frases abaixo a negativa está correta?

There not was two famous artists at the hotel.

There were not famous artists at the hotel.    √

8. Em qual das frases abaixo a interrogativa está correta?

There were beautiful girls at the club last night?

Were there beautiful girls at the club last night?    √

9. Passe para a forma afirmativa a frase ao lado. "Was there a black cat on the sofa?

There was a black cat on the sofa.   √

10. Passe para a forma negativa a frase ao lado. "There were red flowers in the vase."

There were not red flowers in the vase.   √

⇒⇒There to be - verbo haver (existir/ter)

There was - simple past - singular  

There was a dog here. - Havia um cachorro aqui.  

There was a nice girl there. - Havia uma menina bonita ali.  

There were - simple past - plural  

There were kids playing golf. - Havia meninos jogando golfe.  

There were some girls at the Mall. - Havia algumas meninas no shopping.

Negativa - singular (there was + not)

There was not a car in the street. - Não havia um carro na rua.

There was not an apple in the fridge. - Não havia uma maçã na geladeira.

Negativa - plural (there were + not)

There were not people at the Mall. - Não havia pessoas no shopping.  

There were not dogs barking. - Não havia cães latindo.

Interrogativa - singular (was + there ...?)

Was there a dog here. - Havia um cachorro aqui?

Was there a nice girl there. - Havia uma menina bonita ali.?

Interrogativa - plural  (were + there ... ?)

Were there kids playing golf. - Havia meninos jogando golfe?

Were there some girls at the Mall. - Havia algumas meninas no shopping?

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foxqueerapraser3: tudo isso por 5 pontos?!
CremildaBR: e qual o problema? Não estou aqui pelos pontos. ;)
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