Inglês, perguntado por annacf67, 9 meses atrás

1.Passe as frases abaixo para o futuro:

a.I study at night.

b.She works with her mother.

c.I go to the beach with you.

d.We meet at school.

e.Mary sits near me.

f.I write letters to my friends.

g.They study in the same class.

h.He sends flowers to his girlfriend.

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por starrynight33


depende, é para usar o will?

se for, aqui está a resposta:

a) i will study at night

b) She will work with her mother

c) i will go to the beach with you

d) we will meet at school

e) Mary will sit near me

f) I wil write letters to my friends

g) they will study in the same class

h) he will send flowers to his girlfriend


estrutura do "future" (usando will)

pessoa ou coisa + will + verbo (no presente)

Não é necessário acrescentar "s" ou "ies" (no he, she e it) quando você usa will

Respondido por larissamagrani

Simple Future Tense pode ser chamado de Futuro Simples e corresponde a ações futuras que ainda ocorrerão.

As frases, no futuro, ficam:

a. I will study at night.

b. She will work with her mother.

c. I will go to the beach with you.

d. We will meet at school.

e. Mary will sit near me.

f. I will write letters to my friends.

g.They will study in the same class.

h. He will send flowers to his girlfriend.

Simple Future indica decisão, promessa, aviso, convite e oferta. Ele equivale ao Futuro do Presente na língua portuguesa. Seus verbos modais são: will e shall.

São exemplos do Simple Future:

He will buy a big house.

They'll go to school tomorrow.

We will not go out tonight.

Will she arrive at night?

São advérbios que correspondem ao futuro simples: tomorrow, soon, the day after tomorrow, next week, next month, next weekend, next year.

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