Inglês, perguntado por giovannadelima120, 11 meses atrás

1) ordene as frases abaixo da forma correta para formar sentenças afirmativas. siga o modelo.

•will - she - in the bank - work ---- she will work in the bank

A) will - study - he - English

B) dream - of - i - you - will

C) will - play - Mark - tennis

D) will - Ana - dance - today

por favor me ajuda!.​

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por CremildaBR

⇒⇒  Future with ''will''  -  Unscramble

A) will - study - he - English

    He will study English.

B) dream - of - I - you - will

    I will dream of you.

C) will - play - Mark - tennis

   Mark will play tennis.

D) will - Ana - dance - today

   Ana will dance today.

⇒⇒ Simple future com ''will'' - futuro incerto - não planejado

sujeito + will + verbo + complemento

I will go to the park tomorrow.

She will ride a bike next Sunday.

→ Futuro com will - interrogativa

Will + sujeito + verbo + complemento

Will you play soccer?

Will she clean her room?

→ Futuro com will - negativa

sujeito + will + not + verbo + complemento

John will not run at the park.

The kids will not play soccer tomorrow.

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giovannadelima120: obrigado!
CremildaBR: de puder, marque como MR, ok? ;)
giovannadelima120: pronto!
CremildaBR: ;)
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