Inglês, perguntado por gabryelaalves, 5 meses atrás

1. No inglês americano, os 10 verbos mais comumente usados após a expressões I've never... (eu
nunca...) são os que se encontram na caixa abaixo. Note que eles estão numerados de acordo com a
ordem dos mais utilizados. Ou seja, been é o mais comum e watched é o menos comum. Sua
atividade é complementar as sentenças com o verbo que está faltando.
3. had
1. been
2. heard
5. tried
6. done
7. gone
4. see
9. used
10. watched
8. read
a. I've never watched an episode of lost. So, I don't know much about it.
b. I really don't know what to do. I've never
a problem like that.
c. I've never
that girl before. I don't even know who she is.
d. Honestly, parachuting is one of the things I've never
e. I've never
out with then and I don't even care.
f. I've never
to England. I really would love to go there someday.
g. I've never
of him. So, what is his name and what does he do?
h. I know nothing about it. I've never
to lose weight before.
i. How does a computer work? I've never
one in my whole life!
j. To tell you truth, I've never
a The Hunger Games book.​

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por albinojuanc92


b) I really dont know what to do, i've never had a problem like that

c) I've never see that girl before, i dont even know who she is

d) hoestly, parachuting is one of the things i've never done

e) i've never gone out with then and i dont even care

f) i've never been to England. I really would love to go there someday

g) I've never  heard of him. So, what is his name and what does he do?

h)  I know nothing about it. I've never tried  to lose weight before.

i) how does a computer work? i've never used one in my whole life

j) to tell you the truth, i've never read a hunger games book

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