Inglês, perguntado por attackhelicopter, 8 meses atrás

1) Na frase “… the internet is accessed via mobile data.”, o verbo principal está na: *

10 pontos

A) passive voice in the past perfect.

B) active voice in the simple present.

C) passive voice in the simple present.

D) active voice in the simple past.

E) passive voice in the simple past.

2) Qual das alternativas NÃO está na voz passiva? *

10 pontos

A) Mary has been married three times.

B) The roof is being repaired.

C) The shirts have been ironed.

D) The office is being cleaned.

3) “The boys are watching a movie.” Na voz passiva é: *

10 pontos

A) The boys watched a movie.

B) A movie are watching by the boys.

C) A movie is being watching by the boys.

D) A movie are being watched by the boys.

E) A movie is being watched by the boys.

Leia o texto abaixo para responder a questão 4.


Fruits and vegetables are good for you
because they provide important vitamins,
minerals, fiber, and natural plant compounds
known as phytochemicals. As well as their
health benefits, these phytochemicals are
responsible for the color, taste and smell of a
fruit or vegetable.

Cookbook. New York: DK Publishing, 2007, p. 8

4) Segundo o texto, por que as frutas são importantes para a saúde? *

10 pontos

a) Because they provide skin cleansing.

b) Because they provide important carbohydrates.

c) Because are responsible for the color, taste and smell.

d) Because are not good for you.

e) Because they provide important vitamins, minerals and fiber.

Leia o texto abaixo para responder a questão 5.

Why am I compelled to write? Because the
writing saves me from this complacency I fear.
Because I have no choice. Because I must
keep the spirit of my revolt and myself alive.
Because the world I create in the writing
compensates for what the real world does not
give me. By writing I put order in the world,
give it a handle so I can grasp it.

ANZALDÚA, G. E. Speaking in tongues: a letter to third

Gloria Evangelina Anzaldúa, falecida em 2004,foi uma escritora americana de origem mexicana que escreveu sobre questões culturais e raciais. Na citação, o intuito da autora é evidenciar as: *

10 pontos

a) compensações advindas da escrita.

b) possibilidades de mudar o mundo real.

c) escolhas que ela faz para ordenar o mundo.

d) maneiras de ela lidar com seus medos.

e) razões pelas quais ela escreve.

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por Dark06


1.passive voice in the simple present.

2.Mary has been married three times

3.A movie is being watched by the boys.

4.Because they provide important vitamins, minerals and fiber.

5.razões pelas quais ela escreve

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