Inglês, perguntado por karina55583, 7 meses atrás

1. My friends _____ their homework every day. (to do)

a) do
b) dos
c) does
d) doies

2. Jane ______ to school by bus every morning. (to go)

a) go
b) gos
c) goes
d) goies

3. It ______ them sleep. (to help)

a) help
b) helps
c) helpes
d) helpies

4. Jack and Jill _______ lunch in the cafeteria every Thursday. (to eat)

a) eat
b) eats
c) eates
d) eaties

5. That bird _____ very high. (to fly)

a) fly
b) flys
c) flyes
d) flies

6. A forma negativa da frase "MARIAH SINGS IN FRENCH" é:

a) Mariah don't sing in French.
b) Mariah don't sings in French.
c) Mariah doesn't sing in French.
d) Mariah doesn't sings in French.

7. A forma negativa da frase "MY UNCLE WATCHES TV IN THE EVENING" é:

a) My uncle don't watches TV in the evening.
b) My uncle doesn't watches TV in the evening.
c) My uncle don't watch TV in the evening.
d) My uncle doesn't watch TV in the evening.

8. A forma interrogativa da frase "PLANES FLY IN THE SKY" é:

a) Do planes fly in the sky?
b) Does planes fly in the sky?
c) Do planes flies in the sky?
d) Does planes flies in the sky?

9. A forma interrogativa da frase "JOHN CARRIES HIS BOOK" é:

a) Do John carry his book?
b) Does John carry his book?
c) Do John carries his book?
d) Does John carries his book?

10. Na charge a seguir, no trecho "Bob invents a device that electrically shocks...", se substituirmos BOB por THEY, a forma correta será:

(Imagem lá de cima)

a) They invents a device that electrically shocks...
b) They invent a device that electrically shocks...
c) They inventes a device that electrically shocks...
d) They inventies a device that electrically shocks...​


Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por 00001096551743sp

1) do

2) goes

3) help

4) eat

5) flyes

6) Letra B

7) Letra A

8) Letra A

9) Letra B

10) Letra B

karina55583: obgda ^_^
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