1. Match the numbers to the words in the box.
On the day of the (1), the wife-to-be is called the (2) and the husband-to-be is the (3). Quite probably, they had been (4) before the (1). When two people are (4), the woman is called (5) and the man is called (6). (1) is the name we give to the ceremony, and (7) is the name given to their union and their life together.
Mike is my brother. Some people say he's my (8) because we have the same mother, but different fathers. This means Jack, my mother's husband, is Mike's dad and my (9). Mike is only two years old, and we're really close, but I still haven't gotten completely used to living with Jack. My mom was a (10), and it was just the two of us for 15 years, so it has been difficult to adapt.
Couples who have difficulty conceiving a child have several options. (11) often have good results. More serious cases may require (12), when the embryos are created outside the body and implanted into the mother's womb. Some couples use the help of a (13), who is implanted with the couple's embryos and carries the baby to term. Another option is (14). Thousands of kids are put in (15) every year, and most of them are waiting to find a new home.
*surrogate mother
*fertility treatments
*foster care
*single parent
*in vitro fertilization
Soluções para a tarefa
Respondido por
1. Wedding
2. Fiancée
3. Fiancé
4. Engaged
5. Bride
6. Groom
7. Marriage
8. Half-brother
9. Step-father
10. Single parent
11. In vitro fertilization
12. Fertility treatments
13. Surrogate mother
14. Adoption
15. Foster care
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