Inglês, perguntado por hhahhahahhahahaha, 8 meses atrás

1) Leia a tirinha abaixo:

Marque T (true) e F(false) nas frases de acordo com a tirinha e escolha a alternativa correta:

I.Calvin and Hobbes are enjoying their adventure in the woods.( )

II.Calvin is worried because he learned about the great number of animals in danger ofextinction.( )

III.Calvin and Hobbes think man’s destruction of the forest is a real problem for theanimals.( )

IV.Calvin and Hobbes have tried to contact intelligent beings from outer space.( )

V.Calvin thinks the surest place where there is intelligent life is on Earth.( )

a)F –F –T –T –F

b)T –T –F –F –T

c)F –T –T –F –F

d)T –F –F –T –T

e)T –F –F –F –T

2) Complete a tabela abaixo com advérbios ou adjetivos.








3) Complete o exercício com adjetivo ou advérbio correto:

a) She speaks ______________. (quiet/quietly)

b) He is very ______________ (happy/happily) today.

c) They raised their kids _____________. (good/well)

d) His situation is very ______________. (serious/seriously)

e) Driving ____________(fast/fastly) is very dangerous.

4) Complete as frases com as palavras abaixo na forma correta do “Comparative”.

important cold expensive thin heavy

a) In Canada, January is _________________________ than March.

b) I think that good health is ______________________ than money.

c) I can’t carry my suitcase. It’s much _____________________ than yours.

d) I can afford to buy a new bike but not a new car. A car is _______________________ than a bike.

e) You look _________________________ than the last time I saw you. Have you lost weight?

5) Escreva o Comparativo e Superlativo dos adjetivos abaixo:









6) Assinale o comparativo e o superlativo correto das seguintes palavras, respectivamente: Large and Small:

a) Larger/ The largest // Smaller/ The Smallest ( )

b) Largger/ The larger // Smaler/ The Smallest ( )

c) Larger/ The larggest // Smaler/ The Smalest ( )

d) Largger/ The largest // Smaller/ The Smalest ( )

7) Assinale a alternativa correta:

I- Would you like chicken for dinner?

a) Yes, I would. ( ) b) No, she would. ( ) c) Yes, I do. ( )

II- Would she like apple juice for breakfast?

a) No, she doesn´t ( ) b) No, she would. ( ) c)No, she wouldn´t. ( )

III- ____________________having chocolate cake for dessert?

a) Why don´t you ( ) b) Would you like to ( ) c) What about ( )

IV- __________________ order fish?

a) Would you like ( ) b) What about ( ) c) Why don´t you ( )

8) Relacione as frases em inglês com suas respectivas equivalências em português:

a) Turn right at the traffic lights, walk ahead three blocks and you’ll see the drugstore on your left.

b) Go down the street one block and you’ll see the bus stop on your right.

c) How can I get to the bus stop from the hotel?

d) How do I get to the stadium?

e) Go up the street two blocks and turn left at the traffic lights.

( ) Suba a rua duas quadras e vire a esquerda no semáforo.

( ) Vire a direita no semáforo, vá reto três quadras e você vai ver a farmácia na sua esquerda

( ) Desça a rua uma quadra e você vai ver o ponto de ônibus na sua direita.

( ) Como eu chego até o estádio?

( ) Como eu vou do hotel até o ponto de ônibus?


Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por cmsdiogosilva


1 - C) F T T F F

2- Adjectives : Happy, Fast, Good, Nice, Gradual

Adverbs: Happily, Fast, Well, Nicely, Gradually

3- Quiet / Happy / Well / Serious / Fast

4 - a) colder / b) more important / c) havier / d) more expensive / e) thinner


tall - taller - the tallest

cheap - cheaper - the cheapest

expensive - more expensive - the most expensive

good - better - the best

lazy - lazier - the laziest

6- a) larger / the largest // smaller / the smallest


I - a) Yes, I would

II - c) No, she wouldn't

III - C) what about

IV - C) WHY don't you




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