Inglês, perguntado por anjosfrancisco115, 7 meses atrás

1. Juliana bought that new computer.

(      )That new computer was bought by Juliana

(      )That new computer is bought by Juliana

(      )That new computer was buyed by Juliana

(      )That new computer is buying by Juliana

2. The Brazilian students have made the test.

(      )The test has been made by the Brazilian students

(      )The test have been made by the Brazilian students

(      )The test has made by the Brazilian students

(      )The test made by the Brazilian students

3. Tony is producing the TV commercial.

(      )The TV commercial is being produced by Tony

(      )The TV commercial is produced by Tony

(      )The TV commercial was produced by Tony

(      )The TV commercial is producing by Tony

4. Someone will repair the computers.

(      )The computers will be repaired

(      )The computers will repaired

(      )The computers are being repaired

(      )The computers will being repaired

5. He took my curriculum.

(      )My curriculum was taken by him

(      )My curriculum was taken by he

(      )My curriculum was tooked by him

(      )My curriculum was taken by he​

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por MentePerspicaz
  1. That new computer was bought by Juliana.
  2. The test has been made by the Brazilian students.
  3. The TV commercial is being produced by Tony.
  4. The computers will be repaired.
  5. My curriculum was taken by him.

Passive Voice

A “Voz Passiva” da Língua Inglesa é usada quando não temos a informação de quem ou o que fez algo, ou quando não é relevante dar essa informação.

  • Voz Ativa: He took my pencil [Ele pegou o meu lápis].
  • Voz Passiva: My pencil was taken by him [O meu lápis foi pego por ele].

Por ser também usada quando não temos a informação, não é necessário mencionar “by (someone)”.

  • My pencil was taken.

Mas, se você utilizar “by (someone)”, lembre-se de fazer a mudança nos pronomes.

  • My pencil was taken by him.”

Perceba também que a estrutura da “Voz Passiva” se dá por: to be + past participle. Ou seja, para se ter a voz passiva, o uso do verbo “to be” e um verbo no past participle é obrigatório.

  • Incorreto: My pencil took.
  • Correto: My pencil was taken.

Por fim, atente-se sempre ao tempo em que algo ocorre (presente, pretérito ou futuro) – ele permanece igual.

  1. Simple Present: Voz Ativa: “He takes my pencil"; Voz Passiva: “My pencil is taken.”
  2. Simple Present Continuos: Voz Ativa: “He is taking my pencil.”; “My pencil is being taken.”
  3. Present Perfect: Voz Ativa: “You has taken my pencil”; Voz Passiva: “My pencil has been taken”.
  4. Present Perfect Continuos: Voz Ativa: “He has taking my stuff for three days.”; Voz Passiva: “My stuff has been taken for three days.”
  5. Simple Future: Voz Ativa: “You’ll take my pencil”; Voz Passiva: “My pencil will be taken”
  6. Simple Past: Voz Ativa: “You took my pencil”; “My pencil was taken”
  7. Past Perfect: Voz Ativa: “You had taken my pencil”; “My pencil had been taken”.
  8. Past Perfect Continuos: Voz Ativa: “He had been taking my stuff for three days.”; Voz Passiva: “My stuff had been taken for three days.”

Pronouns Changes

  • I = me.
  • You = your. [Singular]
  • He = him.
  • She = her.
  • It = its.
  • We = us.
  • You = yours. [Plural]
  • They = them.

Agradecemos-lhe por escolher o Brainly! Estaremos aqui esperando ansiosamente para ajudá-lo sempre que precisar. Bons estudos!

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