Inglês, perguntado por Usuário anônimo, 9 meses atrás

1) Imagine as seguintes situações na primeira coluna e veja qual é o conselho adequado na segunda coluna. (1,0)
) They should save money to buy it.
(1)Karen has a math test tomorrow. What should she do? (
( ) You should take a dorflex.
(2) She has a stomachache. What should she do?
You should go to a dentist.
(3) The baby has an earache. What should they do?
( He should go to the hospital
(4) It's raining a lot. What should he do?
( ) He should take an umbrella.
(5) Charles has a terrible cold. What should he do?
She should take some medicine.
(6) André wants to live in USA. What should he do?
( ) She should study a lot.
(7) I have a terrible headache. What should I do?
(8) John broke his arm. What should he do?
( ) He should take some vitamins and stay in bed.
( ) They should call a doctor.
(9) They want to buy a car. What should they do?
(10) I have a terrible toothache. What should I do?
He should do a English course.
2) Complete com SHOULD ou SHOULDN'T de acordo com a situação: (0,8)
a) Fruit and vegetables are good for you.
eat them.
b) Your sister is very fat.
eat chocolates.
c) The boys are in the library now.
speak loud.
d) That movie is good.
The children
see it.
e) They don't have money now.
buy anything.
f) That road is dangerous.
drive so fast.
g) The students have a test tomorrow.
_study for it.
h) The boys are in the soccer stadium.
cheer for their team.
3) Use SHOULD quando a frase indicar UM CONSELHO ou MUST quando indicar ORDEM ou
a) I am your friend. You
- stop smoking.
b) You need get up 5 am tomorrow. You
go to bed early.
C) The light is red. The drivers
d) They go to work by bus. I think they
buy a car.
e) The bell rang. All the students
go into the classroom.
f) Jessica 's mother is calling her. She
go now.
g) All green plants
have light.

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por ndahora


1 -

(1) Karen has a math test tomorrow. What should she do?

(1) She should study a lot.

(2) She has a stomachache. What should she do?

(2) She should take some medicine.

(3) The baby has an earache. What should they do?

(3) They should call a doctor.

(4) It's raining a lot. What should he do?

(4) He should take an umbrella.

(5) Charles has a terrible cold. What should he do?

(5) He should take some vitamins and stay in bed.

(6) André wants to live in USA. What should he do?

(6) He should do a English course.

(7) I have a terrible headache. What should I do?

(7) You should take a dorflex.

(8) John broke his arm. What should he do?

(8) He should go to the hospital

(9) They want to buy a car. What should they do?

(9) They should save money to buy it.

(10) I have a terrible toothache. What should I do?

(10) You should go to a dentist.

2 -

a) Fruit and vegetables are good for you.

You should eat them.

b) Your sister is very fat.

She shouldn’t eat chocolates.

c) The boys are in the library now.

They shouldn’t speak loud.

d) That movie is good.

The children should see it.

e) They don't have money now.

They shouldn’t buy anything.

f) That road is dangerous.

Не shouldn’t drive so fast.

g) The students have a test tomorrow.

They should study for it.

h) The boys are in the soccer stadium.

They should cheer for their team.

3 -

a) I am your friend. You should stop smoking.

b) You need get up 5 am tomorrow. You should go to bed early.

C) The light is red. The drivers must stop.

d) They go to work by bus. I think they should buy a car.

e) The bell rang. All the students must go into the classroom.

f) Jessica 's mother is calling her. She must go now.

g) All green plants must have light.


Espero ter ajudado ;)

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