Inglês, perguntado por sosooliveira896, 3 meses atrás

How many months is there snow in Siberia?
What happens when it's minus 35°?
How do people keep warm?
What do they close in winter and open in spring?
Is it often sunny?
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Respondido por Seoyun123


1) Winter is long and lasts between 6 and 7 months a year.

2) when the body temperature drops below 35ºC, hypothermia occurs, a condition that requires as much attention as fever. Under normal conditions, our organism has a stable temperature at an average of 37º C.

3- On cold days, people wear sweaters and corbettors in order to protect themselves from the cold, as they believe they warm their body.

5- Yes, the distance between Earth and the sun increases, and the sun's rays arrive weaker, less hot. Then what happens is that the temperature change is less intense, the molecules are less agitated and the average temperature is milder, even cold.


Eu só sei essas, bons estudos

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