Inglês, perguntado por victorvieira01, 9 meses atrás

1)Faça a tradução para o inglés do texto abaixo:

A Minha Casa

Era uma vez uma familia bem diferente.
A mãe era a mesa, o pai o armário e as
crianças as cadeiras,
Todos moravam em uma cozinha bem espaçosa.
O pai era sério e protetor, guardava com
muito zelo os objetos mais delicados da casa.
A mäe se preocupava com as crianças, fazendo
questão que elas sempre ficassem ao
seu redor. E, estas por sua vez, safadinhas,
não paravam quietas.
Esta família vive feliz na casa de
outra família feliz, a minha.​

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por Melzinha123456


My house

Once upon a time there was a very different family.

The mother was the table, the father the closet and

children s chairs,

Everyone lived in a very spacious kitchen.

The father was serious and protective,

very careful the most delicate objects in the house.

The mother cared about the children, making

question that they always stay

around you. And these in turn, naughty,

they didn't stop quiet.

This family lives happily at

another happy family, mine.


(copiado do google tradutor)

Respondido por wesleyaraujo40


My house

Once upon a time there was a very different family.

The mother was the table, the father the closet and

children like chairs,

Everyone lived in a very spacious kitchen.

The father was serious and protective,

very careful the most delicate objects in the house.

The mother cared about the children, making

question that they always stay

around you. And these in turn, naughty,

they didn't stop quiet.

This family lives happily at

another happy family, mine.


Ñ tem o que explicar mas tenho q preencher aqui._.

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