Inglês, perguntado por gustavomichels021204, 8 meses atrás

1)Escolha nas frases negativas e interrogativas abaixo, qual é a correta: *

a)Does birds flies?
b)Dogs does not like cats.
c)Do they work in that restaurant?
d)We doesn't live here.

2)Qual das frases afirmativa, negativas e interrogativas abaixo está ERRADA? *

a)Do they like animals?
b)It don't fly.
c)She doesn't work here.
d)Allan goes to the beach.

3)A forma interrogativa certa de "He walks to work." é: *

a)Does he walk to work?
b)Do he walk to work?
c)Does he walks to work?
d)Do he walks to work?

4)Qual das sentenças abaixo o verbo está conjugado perfeitamente conforme as regras do Simple Present? *

a)Does he meets his wife at school?
b)Karen listen to the teacher.
c)Frank doesn't has to work on Sundays.
d)Do the children like it?

5)Na frase "He usually____to Porto Alegre by plane." a forma correta do verbo no Simple Present é? *

c)to go

6)Na frase "February____before March." como fica o verbo no Simple Present? *

c)is comes
d)are come

7)Qual alternativa abaixo o verbo está conjugado corretamente conforme as regras do verbo no Simple Present? *

a)He hate touristic places!!
b)I know what she want.
c)My friend like his trip.
d)Brazilians like football.

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por raynerhsgandra


1) A

2) B

3) A

4) C

5) A

6) B

7) D

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