Inglês, perguntado por SugaMin, 1 ano atrás

1.corrija as palavras com o verbo to be errado.

a) I is a teacher
b) You is teachers
c) Do they is playng?

2.Agora coloque o verbo to be nessas palavras:
a) My mother ___ cooking
b) The dog ____ eating
c) They ____ plaing games!

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por starlight22
1. a) I Am...
b) You Are...
c) are they...

2. a) is
b) is
c) are

SugaMin: obrigada ^•^
starlight22: dnd
Respondido por Foxysa


A) I *am* a teacher

B) You *are* a teacher

C) Do they*playing?


A) My mother _is_ cooking

B) The dog _is_ eating

C) They _are_ playing games!

SugaMin: Obrigada
SugaMin: ^∆^
Foxysa: De nada! °=°
SugaMin: ^~^
Foxysa: °√°
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