Inglês, perguntado por cavalcantiluci4910, 11 meses atrás

1-Complete the sentences with the comparative form.Use the adjectives in the box--Comfortable-Delicious-Difficult-economical-expensive---a)i think chinese is__________englishb)My motorcycle is_________________ my car.c)Sleeping in a hotel is_____________sleeping in a tent.d)In my opnion feijoada is___________ acarajé.e)Flying is usually__________traveling by bus.2-Make sentences With the cues given.Use the superlative of the adjectives.a)Ferrari/expensive/car/in the car showroomb)in my opnion/Geography/intresting/subjectc)for me/Patagonia/beautiful/place/in the worldd)I think/Cancun/sunny/place/in the world3- All the sentences below are false.use than adjectives in parentheses to correct them.a)A table tennis racket is bigger than a tennis racket (small)b)An elephant is lighter than a lion (heavy)c)A gold watch is cheaper than a silver watch.(expensive)d)In july,são paulo is hotter than rio de janeiro (cold)e)Canada is smaller than Brazil.(big)f)A hippo is friendlier than a cat. (agressive) pfv me ajudem é sério preciso mtoo

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por Genius68
I think Chinese is more difficult than English.
My motorcycle is more economical than my car.
Sleeping in a hotel is more comfortable than sleeping in a tent.

In my opinion feijoada is more delicious than acarajé.

Flying is usually more expensive than traveling by bus.

A table tennis racket is SMALLER than a tennis racket.

An elephant is heavier than a lion.

A gold watch is more expensive than a silver watch.

In July, São Paulo is COLDER than Rio de Janeiro.

Canada is bigger than Brazil.

A Hippo is more agressive than a cat.
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