1. Complete the sentences with DO or DOES. (Complete as frases com DO ou DOES.)
you play in the garden?
she write in her exercise ?
he help her in the garden?
they sing a song?
Munchie like spinach ?
you like strawberry milk shake ?
the monkey eat toffees?
you play handball in a team?
mum and dad cook spaghetti?
my friends come to the party?
Sarah play the guitar?
Diana climb trees? Sam and Owen help you with the homework?
Simon go fishing?
my parents go on holiday?
she ride a horse ?
Olivia and Mia like cucumbers?
Steven go to school every day?
Jack and Harry play basketball ?
Holly like potato snacks?
2. Write the sentences from activity in negative form. (Escreva as frases na atividade 1 na forma negativa)
Soluções para a tarefa
Do you play in the garden?
Does she write in her exercise?
Does he help her in the garden?
Do they sing a song?
Does Munchie like spinach?
Do you like strawberry milk shake?
Does the monkey eat toffees?
Do you play handball in a team?
Do mum and dad cook spaghetti?
Do my friends come to the party?
Does Sarah play the guitar?
Does Diana climb trees?
Do Sam and Owen help you with the homework?
Does Simon go fishing?
Do my parents go on holiday?
Does she ride a horse?
Do Olivia and Mia like cucumbers?
Does Steven go to school every day?
Do Jack and Harry play basketball?
Does Holly like potato snacks?
2. Write the sentences from activity in negative form. (Escreva as frases na atividade 1 na forma negativa)
You don't play in the garden.
She doesn't write in her exercise.
He doesn't help her in the garden.
They don't sing a song.
Munchie doesn't like spinach.
You don't like strawberry milkshake.
The monkey doesn't eat toffees.
You don't play handball in a team.
Mum and dad don't cook spaghetti.
My friends don't come to the party.
Sarah doesn't play the guitar.
Diana doesn't climb trees.
Sam and Owen don't help you with the homework.
Simon doesn't go fishing.
My parents don't go on holiday.
She doesn't ride a horse?
Olivia and Mia don't like cucumbers.
Steven doesn't go to school every day.
Jack and Harry don't play basketball.
Holly doesn't like potato snacks.