Inglês, perguntado por cavalinhogosta, 3 meses atrás

1- Complete the dialogues with the correct form of the life event verbs.

a Q: When ____________________ you born?

A: In 1998. I’m just over 20 years old now.

b Q: When did you ____________________ school?

A: Two years ago. I was 18.

c Q: Are you ____________________ to university?

A: Yes, I am. Next year.

d Q: Are you ____________________ to drive?

A: Yes, I am. I am taking classes this month.

e Q: Are you ____________________ to be a lifeguard?

A: Yes, I am. It’s a difficult course.

f Q: Did you ____________________ a job in the summer?

A: Yes, I did. I worked at a restaurant.

g Q: When did you ____________________ home?

A: Last year. I didn’t want to live with my parents anymore.

h Q: Are you going to ____________________ married?

A: One day. But not this year!

i Q: Do you want to ____________________ a house?

A: Yes, when I have some money.

j Q: How many children do you want to ____________________ ?

A: Two or three, I think.

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por fabiagr64


A) Were

B) Left

C) Going

D) Learning (adicione "how" depois de "learning" se quiser)

E) Studying

F) Find

G) moved

H) Get

I) Buy

J) Have

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