Inglês, perguntado por rosianems2018, 4 meses atrás

1-complete com o verbo to be (am,is ou are).

Hello,l____nick and
this____peter. we____friends. Peter____ nine and l ____ ten.
peter and l ____from Salvador. we ____ students at Anglo School.

(me ajudem Por favor)

thyerridamacena19: resposta: am,is,are,is,are,am,are preencha as lacunas nessa ordem bons estudos
rosianems2018: obrigada ♡

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por laispereira20074


Hello,l AM nick and

this IS peter. we ARE friends. Peter IS nine and l AM ten.

peter and l AM from Salvador. we ARE students at Anglo School.

Explicação: confia

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