Inglês, perguntado por leiacardosoo, 5 meses atrás

1. Complete com o presente simples.
a) Alex often __________ to the park after school. (go)
b) My brother _____________ meat. (not eat)
c) Where _________________ ? (your cousins/live)
d) Gabi ___________ articles for Capricho magazine. (write)
e) ___________________ on Saturdays? (your parents/work)
f) What time ________________ in the morning? (you/get up) g) I ______________________ to the theatre very often. (not go)
2. Complete com o presente contínuo.
a) Stop that noise! I _________________ to do my homework! (try)
b) Rachel and Paul want to go home. They ________________ a good time. (not have) c) Why ___________________ ? (you/laugh)
d) ___________________ to us? (that girl/talk)
e) Victoria __________________ for her test. She's at the sports centre. (not study)
f) Pedro is in his room. He _________________ a report for Veja magazine. (write)
3. Complete com every day ou at the moment.
a) Carol is tidying her room ___________________. b) Richard gets up early ______________________. c) Mr and Mrs Silva are watching tv ____________. d) Sophie goes to the park _____________________. e) Beth drinks a glass of milk __________________. f) Monica is playing the violin _________________.
4. Complete com o presente simples ou presente contínuo.
a) Miguel __________ to go out tonight. (not want)
b) What's the matter? Why _____________ ? (Betty/cry)
c) _________________ pop music? (you/like)
d) Let's go home. I _________________ a good time (not have)
e) No, thanks. I ________________ any help. (not need)
f) We _________________ with our grandparents this weekend. (stay) g) What time ______________ work? (your mum/usually/finish)

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por otaviofrutuoso


1.a) goes

b) doesn't eat

c) does your cousins live

d) writes

e) Do you parents

f) do you get up

g) don't go

2.a) am trying

b) are not having

c) are you laughing

d) Is that girl talking

e) is not studying

f) is writing

3. a) at the moment

b) every day

c) at the moment

d) every day

e) every day

f) at the moment

4.a) doesn't want

b) is Betty crying

c) Do you like

d) am not having

e) don't need

f) are staying

g) do your mom usually finish


Presente simples:

  • Para he/she/it (singular afirmativo) - adicione -es, -ies, -s ao final do verbo
  • Para he/she/it (singular negativo) - adicione does not + verbo sem altera-lo
  • Para he/she/it (singular interrogativo) - adicione does + verbo sem altera-lo.
  • Para they/we/you (plural afirmativo) - não modifica o verbo
  • Para they/we/you (plural negatvo ) - adicione do not + verbo sem altera-lo
  • Para they/we/you (plural interrogativo) - adicione do + verbo sem altera-lo

Presente contínuo:

  • Para he/she/it (singular afirmativo) - is + verbo com -ing no final
  • Para he/she/it (singular negativo) -  is not + verbo com -ing no final
  • Para he/she/it (singular interrogativo) - is + verbo com -ing no final
  • Para they/we/you (plural afirmativo) - are + verbo com -ing no final
  • Para they/we/you (plural negatvo ) - are not + verbo com -ing no final
  • Para they/we/you (plural interrogativo) - are + verbo com -ing no final

Every day x at the moment

  • Você utiliza every day em frases com presente simples, é algo que acontece com frequência.
  • Você utiliza at the moment em frases com presente contínuo, é algo que está acontecendo naquele momento.

Presente Simples x Presente Contínuo

Para saber qual tempo verbal utilizar é preciso entender o contexto da frase:

  • Se a frase indica que algo acontece com frequência utiliza-se presente simples.
  • Se a frase indica que algo está acontecendo no momento, utiliza-se presente contínuo.
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