Inglês, perguntado por jaianestoco4321, 7 meses atrás

1) Complete as sentenças usando WAS OU WERE.
A) Shirley
waiting for you at the mall.
B) Helena and George
friends in 2008. They don't talk anymore nowadays.
sad because he didn't come to the party.
D) My children
at the garden this morning.
you at Patricia's party yesterday?
F) 1
hungry! I couldn't even think clearly!
G) It
a lovely, sunny day.​

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por xly0nsx


A) Shirley WAS waiting for you at the mall.

B) Helena and George WERE friends in 2008. They don't talk anymore nowadays.

C)WAS sad because he didn't come to the party.

D) My children WERE at the garden this morning.

E) WERE you at Patricia's party yesterday?

F) I WAS hungry! I couldn't even think clearly!

G) It WAS a lovely, sunny day.

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