Inglês, perguntado por vitoriamoreir85, 7 meses atrás

1) Complete as perguntas com “do” ou “does”: a) _________ you like cats? b) __________ he drive to school? c) __________ they speak English ? d) __________ you play tennis? e) __________ Amy and Sandy study in the same school? f) __________ your mother live with you? g) __________ it matter? h) __________ you eat sallad? i) __________ I look good? j) __________ we know her? k) __________ it hurt? l) __________ your cat walk outside the house?

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por alexandrenglish


A. Do

B. Does

C. Do

D. Do

E. Do

F. Does

G. Does

H. Do

I. Do

J. Do

K. Does

L. Does


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