Inglês, perguntado por eduardame416, 6 meses atrás

1.Complete as frases com: What, Where, Why, When, How.

A) the weather like today?

B) ...........don't you like apple juice? *

C) .................about a walk through the forest? *

D) you play volleyball? *

E) my red sweat shirt, Mum? *

F) Anne and Betty get to school every day? *

G) ............does your father go to work? *

H) the dog's bone? *

I) ..............are we going for a holiday by the sea again? *

J) you like your coffee? *

Me ajudem pfv n tou conseguindo fazer​

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por rafaelnascimentote


A) What  

B) Why

C) What

D) When / Where

E) Where

F) How

G) How / When

H) Where

I ) When

J) Why


Nas alternativas em que coloquei duas opções é porque há duas possibilidades de respostas. Depende do contexto.

eduardame416: ok mto obrigada
Respondido por Marianamorandini02


a) how is the weather like today?

b) why don't you like apple juice?

c) what about a walk through the forest?

d) when do you play volleyball?

e) where is my red sweat shirt, Mum?

f) when do anne and betty get to school every day?

g) when does your father go to work?

h) what is the dog's bone?

i) why are we going for a holiday by the sea again?

j) how do you like your coffee?

( eu não sei se estão certas)

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