Inglês, perguntado por tayyna000, 3 meses atrás

1) Complete as frases com o verbo no simple past
a) My mother ......... in the mountains and .......... her ankle. (fall/ brake)
b) The waiter ......... delicious dishes for me and my friends. (bring)
c) The American singer ......... game show. (win)
d) David ............ a new pair of trainers at the sales. (buy)
e) The young girl ......... all the answers of a test. (know)
f) Mary and her sister .......... A new life in San Francisco. (find)
g) Sharon ......... a famous writer in Europe.(become)​

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por eduferalves10


a - fell/broke

b - brought

c - won

d - bought

e - knew

f - found

g - became


b4yurizin: N entendi
b4yurizin: pode explicar???????
b4yurizin: prfv
b4yurizin: '-'
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