Inglês, perguntado por NarutoHelp, 7 meses atrás

1 – Complete as frases com o Present Continuous:
presente verbo to be + verbo principal (entre parênteses ) + ING

a) She _______________________________________ ( study ) English to the text.

b) __________ you _________________________ ( clean ) your shoes ?

c) He _______________________________________ ( speak ) Spanish.

d) ____________Greg __________________________ ( win ) a lot of money ?

e) Flora _________________________________________ ( not tell ) that story to her children.

f) Barbara ___________________________________ ( read ) to her sister her first history.

g) We _______________________________________________ ( not work) hardly.

h) Diana _____________________________________ (go) to Florida at the moment.

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por sofiajaaap4tkdg
A)Is studying
B)are, cleaning
C)is speaking
D)is, winning
E)isn’t telling
F)is reading
G)aren’t working
H)is going

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sofiajaaap4tkdg: Vlw, precisa mais nn
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