Inglês, perguntado por Carlooos24, 10 meses atrás

( 1 ) Complete as frases com a forma negativa do Simple Present.

a ) I have a smartphone, but I ________________ a tablet. (not/have).

b ) Victor and Sarah ___________________ the news on TV (not/watch)

c ) He ________________ a GPS (not/use)

d ) You _____________ much about technology (not/watch)

2 ) Escreva as questoes para as respostas dadas.

a) _________________________________
(No, they don't use a coffee marker.)

b) _________________________________
(Yes, he does, He has a tablet.)

3) Responda as questões abaixo.

a) Do you have a smartphone?


b) Does she use technology in her daily life?


6) Indique a alternativa que preenche corretamente a sentença:

She ________ use a tablet during her workday.

a) does
b) doesn't
c) do
d) don't

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por MarlaAraujo

A) I have a smartphone, but I don't have a tablet.

B)Victor and Sarah don't watch the news on tv.

C) He doesn't use a GPS.

D) You don't watch much about technology.


A) Do they use a coffee marker?

B) Does he has a tablet?


A). Yes, I do. I have a smartphone ou No. I don't. I don't have a smartphone.

B)Yes. She does. She uses technology in her daily life ou No. She doesn't. She doesn't uses technology in her daily life.

6) b) doesn't

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