Inglês, perguntado por joanasomariva, 6 meses atrás

1. Complete as frases abaixo usando USED TO com os seguintes verbos:( cada verbo para uma frase) be, stay, drive, vote, eat, practice, run, lie, work, write: a. Vanio ________________ sports as an athlete. b. We __________________ in the candidate in the elections. c. He ____________________ about his age. d. I ______________________ the best student in class. e. My friends __________________ home on weekends to watch movies. f. I _____________________ late to do extra hours at my job. g. The athlete____________________ 20km at the competition. h. Sandra ______________________ unhealthy food when she was younger. i. My parents ___________________ their car durant vacation. j. You _______________________poems but now you don’t do it anymore.

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por nanahee
a) Vanio used to practice sports as an athlete
b) We used to vote in the candidate in the elections
c) He used to lie about his age
d) I used to be the best student in class
e) My friends used to stay home on weekends to watch movies
f) I used to work late to do extra hours at my job
g) The athlete used to run 20km at the competition
h) Sandra used to eat unhealthy food when she was younger
i) My parents used to drive their car durant vacation
j) You used to write poems but now you don’t do it anymore
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