Inglês, perguntado por Apela444exe, 2 meses atrás

1- Complete as frases abaixo na forma afirmativa do Present Tense.
a) I ………..…… basketball. (play)
b) We ……………….. English. (study)
c) Ana ……………….. melody. (dance)
d) Paulo …………….. well.(cook)
e) They …………….. books. (write)
f) The students ………………… to school. (go)
g) John …………….. in a restaurant. (work)
h) The dog …………….. very much. (sleep)

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por gustmelo92
i play basketball
we study english
ana dances melody
paulo cooks well
they write books
the students go to school
john works in a restaurant
the dog sleeps very much

3rd person singular simple present add S IES ES to verbs!!
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