Inglês, perguntado por Alex19998, 10 meses atrás

1. Complete as frases abaixo com os conectores adequados. a) For you to make a cake, you need sugar, flour _______ eggs. b) ____________ sugar, flour and eggs, you need milk to make a cake. c) I like barbecue, ________ I prefer fried chicken. d) You have to be careful when you drive, ____________ there are many car accidents nowadays. e) In order to be a good environmentalist, there are three important steps to follow: _________, you have to like talking about the environment; __________, it’s important to research about the topic; __________, it’s necessary to study a lot. f) The service at this restaurant is excellent. _________, the food is terrible!

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por silvasantosrogerio57


a and b now c but dBecause e first the,só f bit

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