Inglês, perguntado por alveslunjaniele, 4 meses atrás

1- complete as frases abaixo com a flexão de simple past correta do verbo entre parênteses fique atento a forma indicada (afirmativo negativo ou interrogativo)
a- He____________to work by bus (to come–negative form)

b-why________you_________a cab to the airport? (to take–interrogative form)

c-when__________he_________? (to arrive–interrogative form)

d-he_________a great student (to be–affirmative form)

2-o estudo sobre o past continuous qual das alternativas a seguir está nesse tempo verbal da língua inglesa

a) she was think his all day long
b)i'm studyng for maths this morning
c)maysa was playing video game when i left
d)we all were very confuse with this mess
e)my mother was cook some bread

3-complete as alternativas abaixo passando o verbo em parênteses para o past continuous
lembre-se que o passado continuo inglês sempre será composto pelo verbo to be no passado e outro verbo com -ing verifique sempre os pronomes utilizados nas sentenças para não errar


quando houver mais de uma pessoa também se usa como exemplo acima
"my father end my little brother were playing soccer yesterday

a)_____________ a very pleasant book last night (to read)

b)he____________tv when this mother arrived (to watch)

c)my father end my little brother____________soccer yesterday (to play)

d)my mother____________lunch with her friends last week (to have)​

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por neobtiny


1. a) He didn't came to work by bus.

b) Why did you taked a cab to the airport?

c) When did he arrived?

d) He was a great student.

2. Alternativa C.

3. a) I was reading a very pleasant book last night.

b) He was watching tv when this mother arrived.

c) My father and my little brother were playing soccer yesterday.

d) My mother was having lunch with her friends last week.


oi, se possível dê melhor resposta por favor!! <3

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