Inglês, perguntado por emmanuellesass, 2 meses atrás

B) Passe para as formas negativa e interrogativa e traduza para Português. 1 There are colorful flowers in the vase.
2) There is a yellow bike here.
3) There is a brown pair of shoes under the sofá.
4) There are several different backpacks in this store. 5) There are sad girls in my class.

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por laniscmartins


1. There aren't colorful flowers in the vase.

Are there colorful flowers in the vase?

Há flores coloridas no vaso.

2. There isn't a yellow bike here.

Is there a yellow bike here?

Há uma bicicleta amarela aqui.

3. There isn't a brown pair of shoes under the sofa.

Is there a brown pair of shoes under the sofa?

Há um par de sapatos marrons embaixo do sofá.

4. There aren't several different backpacks in this store.

Are there several different backpacks in this store?

Há várias mochilas diferentes nesta loja.

5. There aren't sad girls in my class.

Are there sad girls in my class?

Há meninas tristes na minha sala.

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