Inglês, perguntado por wemerson3995, 6 meses atrás

1. complete as frases a seguir com uma das preposições entre parênteses.:
a)john is_______shool now.(on/at)
b)Ann lives________35 sunset street.(for/at)
c)Where are you_________ ?(on/from)
d)She was bom_________Italy.(from/in)
e)They went_________the movies yesterday.(for/to)​

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por mariaalmeida2701


A) John is at school now.

B) Ann lives at 35 Sunset street.

C) Where are you from?

D) She was born in Italy.

E) They went to the movies yesterday.

Boa sorte!!

wemerson3995: origato
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