Inglês, perguntado por glauberhpg, 8 meses atrás

1 Complete as frases a seguir com a forma correta do verbo to be no presente simples:

A) My friends _____ French.
B) Brazil _____ a beautiful country.
C) I _____ 20 years old.

2 Utilize os verbos entre parênteses e complete as frases a seguir com a forma correta no
presente simples:
a) I __________ in Curitiba, Brazil. (live)
b) She __________ at Unicamp. (study)
c) We __________ in the evening. (not work)
3 Reescreva as frases abaixo usando she ou he.
a. I study
b. We work

c. They go
d. I speak

e. You play
f. We think

g. I don’t like
h. They watch

4 Reescreva as sentenças a seguir na forma negativa.
a. We go to church every Sunday.
b. They study English on Saturdays.
c. He reads the newspaper every morning
d. work at Banco Itaú.
e. She has three kids.

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por lawany2360


A) My friends ___are__ French.

B) Brazil __is___ a beautiful country.

C) I __am___ 20 years old.

2 Utilize os verbos entre parênteses e complete as frases a seguir com a forma correta no

presente simples:

a) I ___live_______ in Curitiba, Brazil. (live)

b) She ___studies_______ at Unicamp. (study)

c) We __aren't work________ in the evening. (not work)

3 Reescreva as frases abaixo usando she ou he.

a. I study -She studies

b. We work - He works

c. They go -He goes

d. I speak - She speaks

e. You play - She plays

f. We think - He thinks

g. I don’t like - she don't likes

h. They watch - he watches

4 Reescreva as sentenças a seguir na forma negativa.

a. We go to church every Sunday.

- We don't go to church every Sunday.

b. They study English on Saturdays.

- they don't study english on saturdays

c. He reads the newspaper every morning

- He doesn't read the newspaper every morning

d. work at Banco Itaú.

- sujeito?

e. She has three kids.

-She doesn't have three kids

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