1. Choose two lines The Iyrics that support each statements below.
A)The song expresses a person's feelings
( ) "I'm happy again"
( ) "What a glorious feeling".
( ) "Let the stormy clouds chase"
B)There is no light in the sky.
( ) "So dark up above"
( ) "I walk down the lane"
( ) "Let the stormy clouds chase"
C. The person is in love
( ) "The sun's in my heart"
( ) "And I'm ready for love"
( ) "Everyone from the place"
d. Mark the correct statement about "Singin' in the rain".
( ) It is a happy song about
A person who is in love.
( ) It is a sad song about a person who is feeling depressed.
2. Mark the correct statements about the song.
A) ( ) It contains a lot of repetítion (e.g repetítion of the expressions singin' in the rain and dancin' in the rain; repetítion of the line I' m happy again).
B) ( ) It contains rhymes ( e.g. rain, again, Chase, place, face, Lane, refrain).
C) ( ) It contains contracted forms.
D) ( ) The tone of the text is formal.
.........Me ajudar por favor..........
Soluções para a tarefa
Respondido por
eu preciso do nome da música
Espera aí só ums minutos
Respondido por
1. a). "I'm happy again"
b). "So dark up above"
d). "The sun's in my heart"
d). It is a happy song about a person who is in love.
2. b) It contains rhymes (...)
c) It contains contracted forms (e.g. I'm singin', I've, I'll, smilin',...)
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