Inglês, perguntado por lauracosta17039, 8 meses atrás

1. Choose two lines The Iyrics that support each statements below.

A)The song expresses a person's feelings

( ) "I'm happy again"

( ) "What a glorious feeling".

( ) "Let the stormy clouds chase"

B)There is no light in the sky.

( ) "So dark up above"

( ) "I walk down the lane"

( ) "Let the stormy clouds chase"

C. The person is in love

( ) "The sun's in my heart"

( ) "And I'm ready for love"

( ) "Everyone from the place"

d. Mark the correct statement about "Singin' in the rain".

( ) It is a happy song about

A person who is in love.

( ) It is a sad song about a person who is feeling depressed.

2. Mark the correct statements about the song.

A) ( ) It contains a lot of repetítion (e.g repetítion of the expressions singin' in the rain and dancin' in the rain; repetítion of the line I' m happy again).

B) ( ) It contains rhymes ( e.g. rain, again, Chase, place, face, Lane, refrain).

C) ( ) It contains contracted forms.

D) ( ) The tone of the text is formal.

.........Me ajudar por favor..........

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por juliana9527
eu preciso do nome da música

lauracosta17039: Espera aí só ums minutos
lauracosta17039: Voltei...... E nome da música e Singing in the rain.
Respondido por linkinnatura

1. a). "I'm happy again"

b). "So dark up above"

d). "The sun's in my heart"

d). It is a happy song about a person who is in love.

2. b) It contains rhymes (...)

c) It contains contracted forms (e.g. I'm singin', I've, I'll, smilin',...)

lauracosta17039: Muitos obrigada gata.....
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