Inglês, perguntado por izymario, 1 ano atrás

1.Agora vamos passar da forma afirmativa para negativa e interrogativa:

1) Ted is copying.

I: …………………………………………………………….. ?
N: …………………………………………………………… .

2) Maria is making coffee.

I: …………………………………………………………….. ?
N: …………………………………………………………… .

3) They are doing the test .

I: …………………………………………………………….. ?
N: …………………………………………………………… .

4) João and Maria are painting the house blue.

I: …………………………………………………………….. ?
N: …………………………………………………………… .

5) We are playing football.

I: …………………………………………………………….. ?
N: …………………………………………………………… .

6) Beth is drinking wine.

I: …………………………………………………………….. ?
N: …………………………………………………………… .

7) I am teaching English.

I: …………………………………………………………….. ?
N: …………………………………………………………… .

8) The cat is playing with a ball.

I: …………………………………………………………….. ?
N: …………………………………………………………… .

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por Rubiamarconn


1. Is Ted Copying?

Ted isn't copying.

2. Is Maria making coffee?

Maria isn't making coffee.

3. Are they doing the test?

They aren't doing the test.

4. Are Joao and Maria Painting the house blue?

Joao and Maria aren't painting the house blue.

5. Are we playing football?

We aren't playing football.

6. Is Beth drinking wine?

Beth isn't drinking wine.

7. Am I teaching English?

I am not teaching English.

8. Is the cat playing with the ball?

The cat isn't playing with the ball.

Espero ter ajudado :)

larissadoreapa6ghj: AVALIAÇÃO II UNIDADE
A partir da leitura do tópico "Racismo" na pagina 158 do livro de Any Rand anexo produza um trabalho de UM dos géneros ESCOLHA APENAS
1. Resumo Critico
2. Fichamento de Citação
3. Resenha Critica
Seu trabalho deve ter o maximo de 30 linhas.
Ayn Rand A Virtude do
Respondido por CremildaBR


⇒⇒  Present Continuous  - Negative / Interrogative

1) Ted is copying.

I:  Is Ted copying?

N: Ted isn't copying.

2) Maria is making coffee.

I: Is Maria making coffee?

N: Maria isn't making coffee.

3) They are doing the test .  

I:   Are they doing the test?

N: They aren't doing the test .  

4) João and Maria are painting the house blue.

I: Are João and Maria painting the house blue?

N: João and Maria aren't painting the house blue.

5) We are playing football.

I:   Are we playing football?

N: We aren't playing football.  

6) Beth is drinking wine.

I:   Is Beth drinking wine ?

N: Beth isn't drinking wine.  

7) I am teaching English.

I :   Am I teaching English?

N: I am not teaching English. .

8) The cat is playing with a ball.

I:   Is the cat playing with a ball?

N: The cat isn't playing with a ball.


⇒⇒  Present continuous >>  tempo verbal usado quando queremos falar de algo que está acontecendo no momento em que falamos.  Pode vir acompanhado de ''now'' - ''right now'' - ''at the moment''

Estrutura do Present Continuous

Sujeito+verbo to be + verbo -ing + complemento + now/at the moment

John              is                playing          video game           now.

→ Estrutura present continuous - interrogativa

verbo to be + sujeito + verbo -ing + complemento

Are                     you         playing        soccer now?

→ Estrutura present continuous - negativa

sujeito + verbo to be + not + verbo -ing + complemento

John                    is not              running        at the park now.

Aprenda mais em:  

→→ - (simple present + present continuous)




larissadoreapa6ghj: AVALIAÇÃO II UNIDADE
A partir da leitura do tópico "Racismo" na pagina 158 do livro de Any Rand anexo produza um trabalho de UM dos géneros ESCOLHA APENAS
1. Resumo Critico
2. Fichamento de Citação
3. Resenha Critica
Seu trabalho deve ter o maximo de 30 linhas.
Ayn Rand A Virtude do
larissadoreapa6ghj: boa tarde Célia Klein
larissadoreapa6ghj: poderia me ajudar?
CremildaBR: oiii boa tarde. EU so ajudo em Ingles;)
larissadoreapa6ghj: tá certo, obrigada
CremildaBR: vc tem que fazer uma postagem na materia PORTUGUES e postar o trecho de referencia.
larissadoreapa6ghj: o trecho é muito grande
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