Inglês, perguntado por lilianesousa112281, 1 mês atrás

07 –Put the verbs in the PRESENT PERFECT

a) Karen _________ me an e-mail. (to send)

b) Dave and Pat _________ the museum. (to visit)

c)I _________ at the pet shop. (to be)

d) They _________ their rucksacks. (to pack)

e) Marcus _________ an accident. (to have)

f) We _________the shopping for our grandmother. (to do)

g) I _________ just _________ my bike. (to clean)

h) Emily _________ her room. (to paint)

i) Lisa and Colin _________ to a concert. (to go)

j) My friends _________ smoking. (to give up) ​

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por Leohermes


a) Karen has sent me an e-mail. (to send)

b) Dave and Pat have visited the museum. (to visit)

c)I have been at the pet shop. (to be)

d) They have packed their rucksacks. (to pack)

e) Marcus has had an accident. (to have)

f) We have done the shopping for our grandmother. (to do)

g) I have just cleaned my bike. (to clean)

h) Emily has painted her room. (to paint)

i) Lisa and Colin have gone to a concert. (to go)

j) My friends have given up smoking. (to give up)


Para formar uma frase no Present Perfect você precisa de duas coisas:

1 - Utilizar o verb auxiliar "have".

2 - Colocar o verbo principal no Past Participle. Para descobrir qual é a forma de um verbo no Past Participle, você pode consultar a lista que está em anexo.

Cuidados: Quando o sujeito da frase for He/She/It, você deve utilizar o verbo "have" na terceira pessoa, que é "has".

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