Inglês, perguntado por Erica1273, 6 meses atrás

04 - Fill in the story using SOME, ANY, NO, or Ø.


‘_______________ children and ______________ grown-ups

must do their best to keep the world clean’, Mr. Fox said

to his class. ‘Sometimes we see ______________ rubbish

in the streets and we must pick it up. Sometimes we eat

_____________ sweets andwemustputthewrappings inthe

bin. We must all work together so there’s ______________

rubbish in the world. Never throw _____________ plastic

into the sea! There’s _______________ tar on the beaches. There’s ______________ oil in the sea. If we

pour _________________ poison into ourrivers, _________________ fish die. This is called _____________

pollution. This weekend, see if you can find ________________ examples of pollution and write

________________ sentences about it’. Jimmy looked very worried when he went home. On Monday, he

handed in his composition. ‘Yesterday we had __________________ sardines for lunch. Mummy opened

the tin, but all the fish were dead and the tin was full of oil!

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por marisabarrios

Resposta: We must all work together so there's no rubbish... This weekend,  see  if you can find some/any examples of polluition and write some sentences... Os outros espaços 0/.

Explicação: Somente esses espaços são completados

Respondido por LeticiaGonzaga17



Ø children and  Ø grown-ups must do their best to keep the world clean’, Mr. Fox said to his class. ‘Sometimes we see Ø  rubbish in the streets and we must pick it up. Sometimes we eat Ø sweets and we must put the wrappings in the bin. We must all work together so there’s Ø rubbish in the world. Never throw Ø plastic into the sea! There’s Ø  tar on the beaches. There’s  NO oil in the sea. If we pour Ø poison into our rivers, Ø fish die. This is called Ø pollution. This weekend, see if you can find ANY examples of pollution and write SOME sentences about it’. Jimmy looked very worried when he went home. On Monday, he handed in his composition. ‘Yesterday we had Ø sardines for lunch. Mummy opened the tin, but all the fish were dead and the tin was full of oil!



‘Crianças e adultos devem fazer o possível para manter o mundo limpo’, disse o Sr. Fox à classe. _ Às vezes vemos lixo nas ruas e temos de recolher. Às vezes comemos doces e devemos colocar as embalagens no lixo. Devemos todos trabalhar juntos para que haja lixo no mundo. Nunca jogue plástico no mar! Há alcatrão nas praias. NÃO há óleo no mar. Se derramarmos veneno em nossos rios, os peixes morrem. Isso é chamado de poluição. Este fim de semana, veja se você consegue encontrar ALGUNS exemplos de poluição e escreva ALGUMAS frases sobre isso '. Jimmy parecia muito preocupado quando voltou para casa. Na segunda-feira, ele entregou sua redação. _ Ontem almoçamos sardinhas. Mamãe abriu a lata, mas todos os peixes estavam mortos e a lata estava cheia de óleo!

Espero ter ajudado!!

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