Inglês, perguntado por ciaraniger, 8 meses atrás

04) Complete com there´s ou there are. (1,0) a.0 a big tree in the garden. b.___________a good film on TV tonight. c.___________some big trees in the garden. d.___________a lot of accidents on this road. e.___________ 11 players in a football team. f.____________coffe on the floor. g.___________a cat on the roof. h.___________computers in that room. i.____________ money in my bag.

ciaraniger: me ajudemmm

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por uzumakircm


a)  there is

b) there is

c) there are


e) there are

f) there are

g) there is

h) there are

i) there are


Usa-se there is ou there´s para algo único na frase, como: there is a car in the street (tem um carro na rua).

There are ou there´re é usado para vários coisas na frase como: there are two cars on the street.

ciaraniger: obrigada
Respondido por rebeca123512
B) there’s
C) there are
D) there’s
E) there are
F) there are
G) there’s
H) there are
I) there are

ciaraniger: obrigada
rebeca123512: De nada
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