Inglês, perguntado por rayanna1183, 9 meses atrás

03) Se, em vez de narrar a história no presente, o autor a tivesse situado no passa
is e does teriam de ser substituídas, respectivamente, por
“ New York City, and they have four servants."
“Mrs. Foster herself is flying from room to room..."
"...he does, yet whenever they go somewhere, his timing."
C) had, was e did.
A) had, were e did.
B) have, was e done.
d) have, been e did.​

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por amaralemerson16


C) had, was e did

“ New York City, and they had four servants."

“Mrs. Foster herself was flying from room to room..."

"...he did, yet whenever they go somewhere, his timing."

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