Inglês, perguntado por bradypotter40, 3 meses atrás

01) Complete as frases abaixo com o GRAU COMPARATIVO DE SUPERIORIDADE. Use os adjetivos entre parênteses. a) He is ________________________ than me. (strong - forte) b) Jennifer is ______________________ than me. (young - jovem) c) The truc is __________________________ than the motorcycle. (expensive - caro) d) Ellen Roche is _____________________ than Wanessa. (beautiful - bonita) e) You are _________________________ than your sister. (charming - charmosa) f) He is ____________________________ than (important - importante) g) My dad was _________________________ than my mom. (old - velho) h) She is ______________________________ than Maria. (nice - legal) i) Bill Gates is _________________________ than Silvio Santos. (rich - rico) j) Ellen’s car was ________________________ than her sister. (cheap - barato) k) Eloise is __________________________ than Lis. (pretty - bonita) l) John is ___________________________ than his father. (short - baixo) m) A bronze necklace is ____________________________ thana gold necklace. (expensive - caro) n) Benjamin is ____________________________________ than Nick. (intelligent) o) Fani was _________________________________ than her cousin. (flexible - flexivel) q) She is _____________________________________ than her sister. (good - bom) QUESTÕES DE MÚLTIPLA ESCOLHA​

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por Usuário anônimo

a) He is stronger than me. (strong - forte)

b) Jennifer is younger than me. (young - jovem)

c) The truck is more expensive than the motorcycle. (expensive - caro)

d) Ellen Roche is more beautiful than Wanessa. (beautiful - bonita)

e) You are more charming than your sister. (charming - charmosa)

f) He is more important than (important - importante)

g) My dad was older than my mom. (old - velho) h) She is nicer than Maria. (nice - legal)

i) Bill Gates is richer than Silvio Santos. (rich - rico)

j) Ellen’s car was cheaper than her sister's. (cheap - barato)

k) Eloise is prettier than Lis. (pretty - bonita)

l) John is shorter than his father. (short - baixo)

m) A bronze necklace is less expensive than a gold necklace. (expensive - caro)

n) Benjamin is more intelligent than Nick. (intelligent)

o) Fani was more flexible than her cousin. (flexible - flexivel)

q) She is better than her sister. (good - bom)

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