ENEM, perguntado por joaopaulocosta5067, 10 meses atrás

Your Memory Isn’t What You Think It Is
Who hasn’t experienced something like this with old friends?
‘That was a great day in the park.’ ‘No, it was the beach.’
‘It rained.’ ‘There was sun.’
‘We wore overcoats.’ ‘We went without shoes.’
It is our friend’s memory that is faulty, not ours we say. We
are certain we’re right because the picture is so clear to us.
We may forget much about what happened, but what we do
remember we are sure is correct. Of course, our friends believe
the same about their memories. Now Daniela Schiller, of Mt.
Sinai School of Medicine and her former colleagues from New
York University give us a new insight into the nature of memory.
Not only are our memories faulty (anyone who has uncovered
old diaries knows that), but more importantly Schiller says our
memories change each time they are recalled. What we recall is
only a facsimile of things gone by. Schiller says that memories
are malleable constructs that are reconstructed with each
recall. [...] What we remember changes each time we recall the
event. The slightly changed memory is now embedded as "real,"
only to be reconstructed with the next recall. One implication
of Schiller’s work is that memory isn’t like a fle in our brain but
more like a story that is edited every time we tell it. To each retelling there are attached emotional details. So when the story
is altered feelings are also reshaped.
D.S.W., Arthur

O artigo apresenta resultados recentes de um estudo sobrea memória do ser humano e sua maleabilidade. No contextoacima, memórias que as pessoas têm de um determinadoevento, por exemplo, são alteradas pelo(a):A simples fato de acessá-las.B discurso de um amigo que as descreva.C conhecimento de fatos novos sobre tais eventos.D software desenvolvido na Mt. Sinai School of Medicine.E interferência de outras memórias

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por juhofmann1943


Interferência de outras memórias.


"Schiller says that memories are malleable constructs that are reconstructed with each recall. What we remember changes each time we recall the event."...

Basicamente, ta falando que as memórias são maleáveis e reconstruídas cada vez que as acessamos, acabam se misturando com outras memórias.

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