You will be sick if you don't stop eating, pode ser substituída por ?
a)You'll be sick if you you stop eating
b)You'll be sick if not you stop eating
c)You'll be sick unless you stop eating
d)You'll be sick if doesn't you stop eating
Soluções para a tarefa
⇒⇒ Conjunction
You will be sick if you don't stop eating.
Você ficará doente se você não parar de comer.
a) You'll be sick if you you stop eating. >> errada
b) You'll be sick if not you stop eating. >> errada
c) You'll be sick unless you stop eating. >> correta
d) You'll be sick if doesn't you stop eating. >> errada
Alternativa correta letra ''c''
You'll be sick unless you stop eating.
Você ficaraá doente a menos que pare de comer.
⇒⇒ Unless >> expressa uma condição (para que algo ocorra ou não ocorra)
You won't pass unless you study harder.
Você não passará (de ano) a menos que estude muito.
I am going to the Mall unless it´s raining.
Eu vou ao shopping a menos que esteja chovendo.
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