Inglês, perguntado por liperibeironeo, 11 meses atrás

You mustn’t get the idea that he’s starving. We found bread, cheese, jam and eggs in his cupboard. It’s absolutely disgraceful that Dussel, whom we’ve treated with such kindness and whom we took in to save from destruction, should stuff himself behind our backs and not give us anything. After all, we’ve shared all we had with him!” p. 77

2 “Women should be respected as well! Generally speaking, men are held in great esteem in all parts of the world, so why shouldn’t women have their share?” p. 235

3 “‘This is the beginning of the end,’ everyone was saying, but Churchill, the British Prime Minister, who must have heard the same thing being repeated in England, declared, ‘This is not the end. It is not even the beginning of the end. But it is, perhaps, the end of the beginning. ’ Do you see the difference? However, there’s reason for optimism. Stalingrad, the Russian city that has been under attack for three months, still hasn’t fallen into German hands.” p. 50

4 “I have only one hope: that this anti-Semitism is just a passing thing, that the Dutch will show their true colours, that they’ll never waver from what they know in their hearts to be just, for this is unjust!” p. 224

4. Olhe para as palavras destacadas no texto e, escreva-as ao lado de suas explicações correspondentes

a) Um conectivo que expressa síntese.

b) Um conectivo que expressa um efeito ou resultado.

c) Dois conectivos que expressam adição.

d) Dois conectivos que expressam contraste.

e) Um conectivo que expressa razão.

me ajuda Por favor


guilhermedasilva8614: kk

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Respondido por guilhermedasilva8614


e alternativa E) isso aí

liperibeironeo: isso não é uma atividade de alternativa ,
liperibeironeo: kakaka
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