Inglês, perguntado por victor8328, 5 meses atrás

Write the past participle (past perfect) of these verbs in the correct column. (valor: 3 pontos)
Be carry do go have learn like read see stay study take visit watch
Regular past participle verbs irregular past participle verbs

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por eduardafranzoni7


Be - been

carry - carried

do - done

go - gone

learn - learned

like - liked

read - read

see - seen

stay - stayed

study - studied

take - taken

visit - visited

watch - watched


Regular verbs                   Irregular verbs

      carry                                  be

       learn                                 do

        like                                   go

        stay                                  read

       study                                 see

       visit                                    take


victor8328: Obg ajudou mt
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