Inglês, perguntado por Usuário anônimo, 9 meses atrás

write the correct tag questions

a)the students hasn´t learned about wolfowers yet , _________ ?

b)you hasn´t visited the tijuca national park , __________ ?

c)allan has thought about the end of this project _________?

d) Carol hasn´t collected articles about energy,_________ ?

e)you have already been to the raisforst meetings , _______?
Respondem pfv

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por Shrimp7


as tags questions são repostas após a vírgula ( , ) depois de um frase negativa ou afirmativa, se a frase for negativa, a tag question será afirmativa, e se for afirmativa a tag question será negativa.

nessas frases ai elas ficaram assim:

A) the students hasn't learned about Wolfowers yet, has they?

B) you hasn't visited the tijuca national Park, has you?

C) Allan has thought about the end of this project, hasn't Allan?

D) Carol hasn't collected articles about energy, has Carol?

E) you have already been to the raisforst meetings, haven't you?


Respondido por Usuário anônimo

a) the students haven't learnt about wallflowers yet , have they?

b) you haven't visited the Tijuca National Park , have you?

c) Allan has thought about the end of this project, hasn't he?

d) Carol hasn´t collected articles about energy, has she?

e) you have already been to the rainforest meetings, haven't you?

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