Inglês, perguntado por beatriznatiele1234, 4 meses atrás

Write the correct form of the verbs between parentheses in English to complete the following affirmative sentences in Simple Present.

Escreva a forma correta dos verbos entre parênteses em Inglês para completar as seguintes sentenças afirmativas no Presente Simples.

John __________ (to have) a Math test on Friday. So he __________ (to need) to study a lot. *

4 pontos

Sua resposta

Greg __________ (to go) to the beach on weekends because he __________ (to have) an apartment there. *

4 pontos

Sua resposta

My sister __________ (to speak) three languages because she __________ (to live) in Europe. *

4 pontos

Sua resposta

She __________ (to know) my family because she __________ (to work) with my mother. *

4 pontos

Sua resposta

Your brother ___________ (to stay) at home n weekends because he __________ (to help) his parents. *

4 pontos

Sua resposta

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por saberudofrancesa

John HAS (to have) a Math test on Friday. So he NEEDS (to need) to study a lot. *

4 pontos

Sua resposta

Greg GOES (to go) to the beach on weekends because he HAS (to have) an apartment there. *

4 pontos

Sua resposta

My sister SPEAKS (to speak) three languages because she LIVES (to live) in Europe. *

4 pontos

Sua resposta

She KNOWS (to know) my family because she WORKS (to work) with my mother. *

4 pontos

Sua resposta

Your brother STAYS (to stay) at home n weekends because he HELPS (to help) his parents. *

4 pontos

Sua resposta

Respondido por MalcherLS


Bom dia! O presente simples é um dos principais tempos verbais do inglês, na nossa língua portuguesa também, e, esse tempo, expressa ações habituais que ocorrem no presente.

A resolução fica:

John ____has_____ (to have) a Math test on Friday. So he ____needs______ (to need) to study a lot. *

Greg ___goes___ (to go) to the beach on weekends because he _____has____ (to have) an apartment there. *

My sister _____speaks ___ (to speak) three languages because she ___lives___ (to live) in Europe. *

She ____knows_____ (to know) my family because she _____works____ (to work) with my mother. *

Your brother _______stays____ (to stay) at home n weekends because he _______helps___ (to help) his parents. *

Espero ter ajudado!

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