Inglês, perguntado por ce5814591p76tqk, 3 meses atrás

Write the correct form of the Present Continuous (Escreva a forma correta do Presente Contínuo)POR FAVOR ALGUÉM ME AJUDA

1. peter _______ football (play)

2. What are you doing? I __ _____ guitar (play)

3. He __ _____ ______ today.(not work)

4.__ you _____ Sandra this evening? (meet)

5. Why _ she _____ that? (do)

6. What ___ you _____ later? (do)

7. What ___ you ____? It looks like coffee (drink)

8. I ___ ____ ______ anymore! It is not fair (not play)

9. He __ ______ on the big project for Google (work)

10. ____ you _______ in the chess tournament this weekend? (play)​

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por koranzinho


1. Peter plays football

2. What are you doing? I am playing guitar

3. He is not working today

4. Are you meeting Sandra this evening?

5. Why do she does that?

6. What are you doing later?

7. What are you drinking? It looks like coffee

8. I am not playing anymore! It is not fair

9. He is working on the big project for Google

10. Are you playing in the chess tournamemt this weekend?

ce5814591p76tqk: muito obrigado
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