write about a funny on interesting incident that happened to you
- where you were when it happened
- what you were doing
- what happened
- how you feel
1 paragraph
Soluções para a tarefa
Well, when i was younger me and my brother used to play hide and seek around our neighborhood. And one day, as i was looking for him, i met a dog in the middle of the street and it started to chasse after me, so i was freaking out, then my broher comes out and tries to make the dog go away but the dogs starts chassing him instead. I felt relief, because the dog wasn't after me anymore, but at the same time i was worried about my brother safety. When i finally found him, i found out that the dog had bitten his butt.
Bem, quando eu era mais novo, eu e meu irmão brincávamos de esconde-esconde em nosso bairro. E um dia, enquanto eu estava procurando por ele, encontrei um cachorro no meio da rua e ele começou a correr atrás de mim, então eu estava enlouquecendo, então meu irmão saiu e tentou fazer o cachorro ir embora, mas o cães começa a persegui-lo. Senti alívio, porque o cachorro não estava mais atrás de mim, mas ao mesmo tempo estava preocupado com a segurança do meu irmão. Quando finalmente o encontrei, descobri que o cachorro tinha mordido o seu traseiro.